Event Liability insurance
Event Liability cover provided by Francois Jansen van Vuuren.
The Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act 2 of 2010 requires that event managers and organisers have measures in place to safeguard the physical well-being and safety of individuals and property at sport, recreational, religious, cultural, exhibition, organisational or similar events held at stadiums, venues or along a route.
With events management background Francois makes the process easy because he knows what the client needs and wants. He only works with reputable insurance companies and depending on the type of event will get the quotes and arrange cover.
[vc_icon icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-comment” background_style=”boxed rounded rounded-less” size=”lg” background_color=”custom” custom_background_color=”#ffd500″ align=”left”] His advice to clients:
Contact us while still planning the event. Not only will it assist you in your costing process but will also help tick off your long list of to-do’s.